after practicing 'How Yoga Works' at Thurgood Marshall Academy in Historic Anacostia/SE, i spent the better part of my day with Mama (and my G-folks). she is such an inspiration to me on so many levels that i could write for DAYS on this blog. however, i have a feeling that, while this is the first, it will certainly not be the last time that i speak of her on Velo-Soul, dig? i'll get right to the point.
she embodies all the things that we speak to in the practice (of yoga) in that, she shows up just as she is. she is not vegan, but she keeps it RAW. she is a type II diabetic with liver disease, various physical limitations, & fully equipped with, well...her STORIES. yet, she selflessly cares for both of her parents (they each have varying degrees of Alzheimer's Disease) on a FULL-TIME basis. (yo, i could honestly hear my teacher saying "Be With Them", sensing that i am not present while teaching a class at Down Dog Yoga). Mama is SO with them that i get inspired by it. i mean, how often are we really being with ANYONE? for most of us, it's difficult to be with OURSELVES, let alone others... but it is so amazing to witness transformation.
learning to eat to live and desperate to get off ALL the pills that have been prescribed for her, Mama has DRAMATICALLY altered her diet. she has been a YES in accepting my invitations to vegan/raw foods workshops, brunches, lunches, AND dinners, yo! it's funny how she tends to credit me for inspiring her, but as i have already stated, she is MY inspiration.
oh, have i mentioned that she surprised me today with her Brand Spankin' New POWER JUICER, Yo?! when she makes her first juice, U kno i'll def B bloggin bout it. WORD.